
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Caotech BV

Caotech BV


Caotech B.V. has a world-wide reputation specialized in mainly self-developped machineries for the food industry


Caotech B.V. has a world-wide reputation specialized in mainly self-developped machineries for the food industry. The technical staff of Caotech has a combined expertise of many years in the construction/manufacturing, overhauling of ball mills and its spare parts. In close co-operation with the customer, innovations for new machineries and process technical solutions are accomplished.

Our specialism will lead to the right solution for your company.

Caotech b.v. is located in Wormerveer, the Netherlands (next to Amsterdam and close to the world leading cocoa processing factories). We like to introduce ourselves as a manufacturer of ball mills for processing cocoa, chocolate and compound. In this respect we supply worldwide turn-key projects to the cocoa, chocolate, compound, ice-cream and bakery industry.

The range of machinery we are manufacturing are listed below;

Continuous beater blade mills for the pre-grinding of cocoa liquor, of high fat content seeds and nuts e.g. cocoa nibs and/or hazelnuts capacities up to 5.000 kg/hr.
Continuous ball mills for the fine grinding of cocoa liquor, capacities ranging from 400 up to 5.000 kg/hr
Continuous and batch wise ball mill systems for the fine grinding of chocolate and chocolate related products, capacities ranging from 5 up to 2.000 kg/hr
Storage tanks and mixers for cocoa liquor, chocolate and chocolate related products
Pumps for the cocoa and chocolate industry

Our specialism will lead to the right solution for your company.

"Caotech b.v. has a world-wide reputation specialized in mainly self-developed machineries for the food industryCaotech b.v. has a world-wide reputation specialized in mainly self-developed machineries for the food industry. The technical staff of Caotech has a combined expertise of many years in the construction/manufacturing, overhauling of ball mills and its spare parts. In close co-operation with the customer, innovations for new machineries and process technical solutions are accomplished.Our specialism will lead to the right solution for your company.Caotech b.v. is located in Wormerveer, the Netherlands next to Amsterdam and close to the world leading cocoa processing factories."
Adres: Handelsweg 3, 1521NH Wormerveer
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0)75 640 4313
Stad: Wormerveer
Route: Handelsweg 3
Postcode: 1521NH

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Cacao machines, Sollich germany, SOLLICH Chocolate machines, Duyvis Wiener
Very bad customer service I would reccomend to never ever do business with them . I wont anymore; Zoo wat een slechte service ik zal je aanraden geen zaken met CAO Tech BV te doen . Ik in iedergeval nooit meer!
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Wormerveer leverancier van zakelijke en industriële apparatuur

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