
Recensies, contactgegevens voor C-Job Naval Architects

C-Job Naval Architects


C-Job Naval Architects is an independent ship design & engineering. We offer high quality engineering capacity and on-site project assistance in the maritime field.


When C-Job & Partners B.V. was founded, 3 Naval Architects had the dream to make a difference in the field of building ships. Due to their collaboration, C-Job has grown to a company consisting of aproximately 50 Naval Architects and Engineers in a relatively short time. Now we are a leading naval architecture and engineering office with professionals who work with perspective, power and passion on multiple designs, drafts and calculation services. The goal of C-Job is to grow to more than a 100 Naval Architects and Engineers in the coming years.
C-Job provides a flexible, high quality and sustainable service by offering engineering capacity to shipyards, offshore parties and other engineering offices. We do not only invest in our people, but also in software. Some of the programs we use are: AutoCad, Inventor, Rhinoceros, Nupas, Cadmatic, Multiframe, ANSYS, NAPA, PIAS, Mars and Poseidon.
Every ship starts with a vision, a dream; whether that dream is a trailing suction hopper dredger, crane ship or luxury yacht. C-Job listens to you and transforms your wishes right from the first draft design and includes the very workshop drawings that eventually lead to the actual ship. Innovation and sustainability are often key to our solutions.
The systems and equipment on board determine the function of the ship. C-Job can mould any type of ship by flawlessly integrating those systems in the overall design. Ships developed by C-Job are innovative, sustainable, delivered just in time and within budget, meet classification requirements and, thanks to intensive cooperation, exactly what the customer originally had in mind.
But C-Job is more than just an independent naval architecture and engineering office: the company is a maritime knowledge-sharing leader in its branch. C-Job serves as a connecting hub and adds value through its own knowledge and binding of forces. One way to accomplish this is by offering on-site project assistance. For a specific time, one of our specialists will come to your location to aid you in times of high workload, capacity issues or when lack specific knowledge. This is part of the many opportunities we offer to our employees to further develop themselves. C-Job is NEN 4400 certified.

Adres: Regulusplein 1, 2132 JN Hoofddorp
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0)88 0243700
Stad: Hoofddorp
Route: Regulusplein 1
Postcode: 2132 JN

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Vertaald door Google C-Job Naval Architects is de Nr. 1 Ship Design & Engineering-bedrijf voor scheepseigenaren en scheepswerven wereldwijd. C-Job blijft de conventionele manier van scheepsontwerp en scheepsbouw heroverwegen. Hun methoden hebben hun sporen verdiend in tal van maritieme sectoren. Baggeren, Offshore Wind, Ferry, Jachten, Inland en Heavy Lift bijvoorbeeld. Origineel C-Job Naval Architects is the Nr. 1 Ship Design & Engineering company for Ship Owners and Shipyards worldwide. C-Job continues to rethink the conventional way of Ship Design and Shipbuilding. Their methods have a proven track record in numerous maritime sectors. Dredging, Offshore Wind, Ferry, Yachts, Inland and Heavy Lift for example.
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