
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Buren (gemeente)


Buren is a town and municipality in the Betuwe region of the Netherlands.GeographyBuren is located in Gelderland, a province of the Netherlands. The landscape mostly consists of hills and other rocky structures with the Korne River flowing through it.Population CentersPopulation centers include: Aalst Asch Beusichem Buren Eck en Wiel Erichem Ingen Kerk-Avezaath Lienden Ommeren Ravenswaaij Rijswijk Zoelen ZoelmondHistoryThe earliest known settlement of the region occurred as early as 772. The castle was built by the Lords of Buren and was first mentioned in 1298. The town was granted city rights in 1395 by Sir Alard IV of Buren which led to the construction of a defensive wall and a moat, significant portions of which still stand. In 1492, the region was promoted to a county (i.e. a territory ruled by a count) but had limited economic influence due to its geographic isolation. By 1574, the previously Catholic parish church of Saint-Lambert (Sint Lambertus) became Calvinist Reformed Protestant.

Adres: Buren (gemeente)
Stad: Buren

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