
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Bony Farma

Bony Farma


Health Products Animals


Over the years, the (animal) medicine focused on curing diseases. (animal) Physicians get trained for that. Much less attention is given to preventive health care, for the prevention of disease. But not only that. Once a doctor has treated the patient for the disease for which he or she was consulted, the patient can usually do more themselves. A lot of attention to the guidance of the recovery process, overall health counseling in practice is usually not happing. This is a missed opportunity. After all, if the health of the patients is optimized, the probability of relapse is much smaller.

Bony Farma has set itself the goal of making honest food supplements that can contribute to this need. Over the years it has developed a range of supplements within Bony Farma to properly serve this purpose.

The insights that take proactive is necessary at this time. The quality of food decreases as the levels decrease in vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals. This may cause sub-optimal conditions. This relative shortage may lead to (slowly developing) health and obesity. This type of complaint is to be provided by most doctors combated with drugs that are often lengthy, if not lifelong. Preventive health care can contribute to the prevention of such complaints. This applies to both humans and animals.

Practical experience shows that different supplements after some time provide more active animals that come to sit better in the coat and start showing more vitality.

"Bony Farma - Animal Health BV ontwikkeld supplementen voor diverse diersoorten zoals honden, katten, paarden, duiven, vogels etc. Het doel van de supplementen is de gezondheid van de dieren te optimaliseren, zodat de kans op ziekte kleiner wordt. Ook in tijden van herstel is het nuttig om de dieren met de juiste supplementen te ondersteunen, zodat de gezondheid sneller hersteld kan worden."
Adres: Julianalaan 7a, Beek, Limburg, Netherlands
Telefoonnummer: +31464371885
Stad: Beek
Route: Julianalaan 7a

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Bony Farma Tauben, Bony Farma schema, Bio boost Bony Farma, Boskamp Bony, Bony Bio Compleet, Bony Bronchicron, Poeder 30 Boskamp, Bony A Booster
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