
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Boekel (gemeente)


Boekel is a municipality and a town in the southern Netherlands.EtymologyThe name Boekel can be explained bij the word "loo" the Dutch word for forest from de heeren Boc and fits in the same category as places like Boxmeer and Boxtel. The heeren Boc was seen as the first lord of van Boxmeer, but has no connection to the other two places.In present time is presumed that the name is derived from Beukeloo or Beukenbos.Population centresBoekelHuize PaduaVenhorstHistoryLand van HerpenBoekel is founded somewhere in the Middle Ages as a settlement of a number of farms.In the 13th century Boekel was part of de heerlijkheid Uden. In 1233 a separation took place between the and the and Uden. At that time Uden together with Herpen formed a form of government called a heerlijkheid. Until the foundation of the city of Ravenstein, Herpen was the main city of this region. Rutger van Herpen sold or leased 1313 of 1314 the community rights (gemene gronden) to the residents of Boekel and Volkel. When the noble lord wanted to improve its cash position, then he charges the use of any of its soils, beginning with the wasteland in his heerlijkheid. This common land should particularly think of marshy land and barren higher grounds, such as heaths.

Adres: 5427–5428 Boekel (gemeente)
Stad: Boekel
Postcode: 5427–5428

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