
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Bob Manders Architects

Bob Manders Architects


Bob Manders Architects designs buildings including its matching interior and surroundings. Warm pure materials, straight lines. beautiful details, hidden integration of necessary elements... (read more on www.bobmanders.nl)


Bob Manders works both in The Netherlands and abroad. Visit him @ De Leerfabriek, Almijstraat 14 in Oisterwijk.

"Bob Manders is an architect who combines a sensitive understanding of the past with a passion for innovation. He draws on the very best from his own Dutch heritage – an appreciation of Rembrandt’s use of light, for instance – and fuses it with the sound architectural principles of acknowledged masters from Vitruvius to Le Corbusier, adding along the way his own unique approach. The result? Unpredictable yet harmonious spaces that are at home anywhere in the world."
Adres: Almijstraat 14, 5061PA Oisterwijk
Telefoonnummer: +31-20-2614633
Stad: Oisterwijk
Route: Almijstraat 14
Postcode: 5061PA

Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
JorisvdBraak Ontwerp & Coördinatie JorisvdBraak Ontwerp & Coördinatie 840 meter Bouwkundig ontwerp- en adviesbureau
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