
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Blaricum


Blaricum is a municipality and village in the province of North Holland, the Netherlands. It is part of the region of Gooiland and part of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (Metropoolregio Amsterdam). It is known for its many monumental farm buildings, local cafes and restaurants, nature, several annual community events and extensive up-market residential areas.According to statistics published by the Dutch land registry office in February 2011, Blaricum is the most expensive location to purchase a house in the Netherlands. The average home in Blaricum costs €800,000 and has risen an average of 12% over the last year. Blaricum is a popular residence of many Dutch celebrities, including Rene Froger, Anita Meijer, Paul de Leeuw, Gordon, Jerney Kaagman, John de Mol, Anita Witzier and Marco Borsato.DistrictsThe municipality of Blaricum consists of the following districts: Dorp, Bijvanck and Blaricummermeent.Topography480px Dutch Topographic map of the municipality of Blaricum, June 2015.Local governmentThe municipal council of Blaricum consists of 13 seats, which are divided as follows: VVD - 3 seats Hart voor Blaricum - 3 seats De Blaricumse Partij - 3 seats D66 - 2 seats CDA - 1 seats Democratisch Alternatief Blaricum - 1 seat

Adres: 1260–1261 Blaricum
Stad: Blaricum
Postcode: 1260–1261

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