
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Big Data World

Big Data World


Big Data the invisible force reshaping our world! Everything you need to know about Big Data!


Big Data?

The amount of data which is achieved among other things by the information we leave on websites we visit with our smartphones and computers but also the personal data stored by the health insurance companies and banks. These data go together in the future play an increasingly important role in society.

According to an estimate of IBM's Big Data division, we can conclude that we create every day approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes of data.
In the coming years the demand for specialists in this area will only increase, think of analysts who need to analyze this big mess of data, because only then we can assign value to our businesses, for marketing purposes for example.

BigDataWorld will keep you informed of all the developments regarding Big Data.

Adres: Griffeweg 77, 9723DT Hilversum
Stad: Hilversum
Route: Griffeweg 77
Postcode: 9723DT

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