
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Bergschenhoek


Bergschenhoek is a town and former municipality in the Netherlands. It is situated roughly 10 km to the north of Rotterdam in the province of South Holland. The former municipality had a population of 17,075 in 2006, and covered an area of 15.52 km² (5.99 mile²) of which 0.63 km² (0.24 mile²) is water. On 1 January 2007, the town was merged with neighbouring towns Berkel en Rodenrijs and Bleiswijk to form the new municipality Lansingerland; these three towns collectively are known locally as the "3B Hoek".Due to the continuing influx of people to Bergschenhoek, it is in a constant state of expansion, and is now predominantly a commuter town as most of its residents work in the neighbouring city.The name of the town is derived from a district of the nearby city of Rotterdam, Hillegersberg. There was a road leading to this municipality. On a corner of this road ('hoek' in Dutch) a settlement grew, leading to a village. This village was named after Hillegersberg, and the corner was incorporated in the name, hence the name (Hillegers)Bergschenhoek.

Adres: Bergschenhoek
Stad: Bergschenhoek

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