
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Because We Carry

Because We Carry


Because We Carry
Building safe environments for ordinary people who have been forced to leave their homes behind.

[email protected]
[email protected]

IBAN:NL85 TRIO 0391 0737 96
To:Because We Carry


How we help?
We give ordinary people from London, Melbourne, Hawaii or wherever the opportunity to make a difference to ordinary people from Syria, Afghanistan, Congo, Irak and more who have fled their homes from wars, conflicts or natural disasters.

Because We Carry enables the first steps of healing on the sites. We believe that being full of trauma, eating from a plastic box and not being able to do anything make integrating to a strange country really difficult. People need to feel better before they can take the next steps. We help by building a safe space where new life force can emerge!

Our building blocks are:
- organising relaxing, empowering and vitalising activities on a daily basis for the young and old
- preparing and distributing 1,000 healthy & nutritious breakfasts every day #nutritionnotjustfood
- including site residents in the organisation and preparation of all our activities
- raising global awareness by giving normal people the opportunity to make a difference


Where we help?
We are active CampUs Kara Tepe (officially called Municipality’s H.C.R.M Mavrovouni (Kara Tepe)) on the Greek island of Lesvos. 90% of the CampUs consists of families, half of which are children. Kara Tepe is the shelter on Lesvos where the most vulnerable are housed.

Who we help?
On Earth everything is inevitably connected. Which is why we organize activities for the young and old every day. By connecting with one another we create a safe place where new life force can emerge.

Your help!
We work with weekly missions giving everyone the opportunity to contribute. When you come to help BWC for a week, besides getting your hands dirty on CampUs Kara Tepe, you also raise much needed awareness in your own network. You do this by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support your mission.

Your team consists of 7 people and the cost for one week BWC and all our tasks at Kara Tepe is €8,000 euros. So, you will do your best to collect your share of just over € 1000,- You pay for your own travel, food and transport however you can sleep for free in our cozy team house.
It’s important that you’re a hard worker, flexible and that you bring your smile!

#lesstalkmoreaction #dontmakeittoocomplicatedjuststart #everylittlebithelps

P.S. Where does the “Carry” come from? We once started by supplying Baby Carriers, Because we Care, Carry, Get It? We still hand out those carriers on a daily basis, so “Carry” will always stay with us #itsokifweoccassionallycarryeachother. And the banana? The banana has been part of the team since day one (August 28, 2015).

Do, Elies, Roza, Roos, Anne, Peggy, Carolien, Eva, Hettie, Helmi en Steffi

Adres: 1007EH Amsterdam
Stad: Amsterdam
Postcode: 1007EH

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