
Recensies, contactgegevens voor BAS Research & Technology

BAS Research & Technology


B|A|S Research & Technology is a premier concrete technology company. Headquarter is based in Venlo.


B|A|S Research & Technology (www.basrt.eu) is a premier concrete technology company. Headquarter is based in Venlo the Netherlands, with operating companies in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. B|A|S develops and implements next generation concrete production and associated technologies. Delivering solutions to optimize concrete for efficiency, workability, strength and durability B|A|S elevates concrete & construction industries to a new standard of performance and environmental stewardship.

B|A|S Research & Technology is a full service concrete technology company operating in the fields of; Research & Development, Material science of concrete, Inspection & Damage-expertise, Quality Assurance & Quality Control, Process technology & process control and Real time remote sensing at construction location. B|A|S mission is to industrialize the concrete construction process, while simultaneously improve concrete product quality. During 30 years of company history, market leadership position was established in the Benelux market.

Telefoonnummer: +31 (0)77 850 7222
Stad: Venlo

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