Backup Concept is een internationaal opererende consultancy en service verlenende onderneming gevestigd in Den Haag en Arnhem.
Backup Concept is een internationaal opererende consultancy en service verlenende onderneming gevestigd in Den Haag en Arnhem.
Wij ontwerpen op maat gemaakte, allesomvattende beveiligingsoplossingen en implementeren deze op succesvolle wijze.
Op alle gebieden van veiligheid ondersteunen en adviseren wij onze klanten bij het opzetten en de operationele implementatie van individuele beveiligingsoplossingen, van veiligheidsanalyse tot veiligheidsstrategie, geheel tot aan de conceptie en optimalisatie van beveiligingsmaatregelen.
"Backup Concept is an internationally operating Security, consultancy, service company based in The Netherlands. We conceive customized, holistic security solutions and successfully implement them. In all safety related areas, we support and advise our clients in projecting and operative implementation of individual security solutions, from safety analysis through security strategy, all the way up to conception and optimization of security measures. Backup Concept has reliable international platforms and draws on a global network of experts and wide-ranging contacts with authorities. We support our clients National - International in close protection, consultancy, transportation and security issues, projects so that anywhere and at any time."
"Backup Concept is an internationally operating security, consultancy, service company based in The Netherlands. We conceive customized, holistic security solutions and successfully implement them. In all safety related areas, we support and advise our clients in projecting and operative implementation of individual security solutions, from safety analysis through security strategy, all the way up to conception and optimization of security measures. Backup Concept has reliable international platforms and draws on a global network of experts and wide-ranging contacts with authorities. We support our clients National - International in close protection, consultancy, transportation and security issues, projects so that anywhere and at any time."
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