
Recensies, contactgegevens voor ATC COMM Aviation Communication

ATC COMM Aviation Communication


ATC-CommAviation Communication and ICAO aviation language testingJAR training facility RT NL-RTF-301/1Dutch Chamber of Commerce Number 0112 1749


ATC-COMM is a specialist in Aviation Communication and delivers the following products;

Radiotelephony training.
ICAO standard phraseologies are developed to provide efficient, clear, concise, and unambiguous communications. Constant attention should be given to the correct use of ICAO phraseologies in all instances in which they are applicable. We provide professional phraseology training based on ICAO standards to pilots and aviation ground personnel. Our teachers and examiners are Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots and well experienced in the field.

Training and Testing for LPE.
ATC-Communication is a specialist in training and testing Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers to meet mandatory testing and licensing requirements. We provide training and Language Proficiency Testing with an ICAO compliant test endorsed by JAR. Our teachers and examiners are Air Traffic Controllers and pilots from major airlines.

Sound files for Flight Simulators.
Modern Flight simulators are an advanced copy of the real cockpit of an aircraft. We provide chatter sound files with Air Traffic Control communication for the various stages of the flight and for many airfields/ ATC centre’s.

Adres: Straatweg 17, 8531 PX Lemmer
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0) 6-549 11905
Stad: Lemmer
Route: Straatweg 17
Postcode: 8531 PX

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