
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Asterics H2020

Asterics H2020


ASTERICS brings together for the first time scientists, enthusiasts and communities from astronomy, astrophysics, particle astrophysics & big data.


ASTERICS is an Astronomy ESFRI & Research Infrastructure Cluster. It is a Research Infrastructure funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 framework for 4 years.The project is led by the Netherlands institute for radio astronomy ASTRON, with a consortium of 22 European partner institutions in the field of Astronomy Astrophysics , Astroparticle Physics and Big Data management.

The Facebook page of ASTERICS will serve as an outreach medium for ASTERICS’ for the scientific and technical community, academia, private industry, other public research centres, SMEs and policy makers, EC H2020 as well as the general public, including the media, schools, students and citizen scientists.

Adres: ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4,, 7991 Dwingeloo
Stad: Dwingeloo
Route: ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4,
Postcode: 7991

Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Ouder Kind Hike- HIT Dwingeloo Ouder Kind Hike- HIT Dwingeloo 2 km De OKHD is een onderdeel van Hit Dwingeloo georganiseerd door de Aurora-stam. De HIT ...
DEB-ministries DEB-ministries 3 km Wij verkondigen de drie engelenboodschappen van Openbaring 14
Verenigde Agrarische Kinderopvang Verenigde Agrarische Kinderopvang 3 km Kinderopvang op de Boerderij
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