
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Arte Viva Child Safety

Arte Viva Child Safety


Arte Viva is an internationally operating Dutch company that is specialized in child safety products. We sell our products in more than 60 countries worldwide!


Arte Viva wants to make safe kindergartens and schools the norm all over the world. This is why we focus on child safety products that create a safe and care-free environment for children. Many of the accidents in kindergartens are caused by doors. Often children get their fingers stuck in between a door which may cause severe injuries and traumatizes the child. Another very common type of accident is that children hurt themselves on sharp edges or corners. This is why we offer solutions for these kinds of problems in kindergartens. Our products create a safe environment so that children can play and learn safely at kindergartens and schools.

In countries like the Netherlands, France, Sweden, The United Kingdom, Singapore and Dubai door finger guards have been made mandatory in childcare. In the Netherlands for example, the number of accidents related to doors has dropped by more than 40% in 2014 compared to 2008. It is our goal to achieve equally strong results in other countries as well. We can only achieve this with your help!

To create more awareness of this issue we are working on creating and distributing check lists of dangerous spots in and around kindergartens and nurseries. Through these documents we want to shine a light on the dangers of doors and other dangerous spots. Our ultimate goal is to make finger door guards mandatory in all kindergartens and schools so the number of accidents continues to fall.

This is why our mission is to create a safer world for our children by reducing the number of accidents in kindergartens and schools.

"Arte Viva is a dynamic Dutch company specialized in innovative niche child safety products. Founded in 2000 by Rob Marcus, since then the company has become one of the leader in retailing child safety products with their products have been sold in more than 60 countries all over the world."
Telefoonnummer: +31 343 57 69 54
Stad: Wijk bij Duurstede


Maandag: 09:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 09:00 - 17:00

Vertaald door Google De knijpbeschermingsproducten FingerAlert zijn echt goed - ze kunnen ook door een leek worden geïnstalleerd en de prijs-kwaliteitverhouding is goed. Origineel Die Klemmschutzprodukte FingerAlert sind wirklich gut - auch für den Laien zu montieren und das Preis/Leistungsverhältnis passt.
Vertaald door Google De producten van Arte Viva zijn allemaal producten van hoge kwaliteit, ze helpen het aantal ongelukken dat kinderen op school overkomen te verminderen. Deze producten zijn niet alleen nodig voor scholen en kleuterscholen, maar ook voor particuliere huishoudens. Beveel ten zeerste aan dat scholen en kleuterscholen deze producten van Arte Viva uitrusten Origineel Arte Viva products are all high-quality products, they helps to reduce the number of accidents which happen to children at school. These products are not only necessary for schools and kindergartens but also for private household. Highly recommend schools and kindergartens equip those products from Arte Viva
Vertaald door Google Een breed scala aan geweldige producten, geweldig om mee om te gaan. Origineel A wide range of great products, Great to deal with.
Vertaald door Google Goede service, snelle levering en producten zijn eenvoudig te installeren! Origineel Great service, quick delivery and products are easy to install!
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