
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Art by Talitha - Dog Portraits

Art by Talitha - Dog Portraits


"Sometimes, when you look into your dogs eyes, you find the missing part of yourself"

If you are looking for someone to draw a portrait of your dog that captures their soul, you've come to the right place...

For more info, visit www.artbytalitha.com

"Unfortunately there will come a time when you have to say your goodbyes to your beloved four-legged friend or family member, as I see them...And whether you knew that day was coming or not...it always comes way too soon...I can’t take away the hurt and sorrow you will feel over losing your sweetheart. I can however create a unique and everlasting memorial portrait drawing of your friend...A memorial drawing will give you something to look at and take a trip down memory lane...to the many adventures, fun and love you’ve shared with one another.Whether you decide to commission a dog drawing or not, I wish you all the strength you need to cope with the loss of your beloved friend and hope you are blessed with a lifetime of memories."
Adres: Populierenlaan, 1185SV Amstelveen
Telefoonnummer: +31646262070
Stad: Amstelveen
Route: Populierenlaan
Postcode: 1185SV

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