
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Arnhem Centraal railway station


Arnhem Centraal is a railway station located in Arnhem, Netherlands. The station was opened on 14 May 1845 and is located on the Rhijnspoorweg (Amsterdam - Emmerich), the Arnhem–Leeuwarden railway and the Arnhem–Nijmegen railway. The station opened at the same time as the Rhijnspoorweg.The station is the main station of Arnhem, and at present, has around 40,000 passengers that use the station per day, this makes it the 9th busiest station in the Netherlands. The main building has a surface of 18,000 m2 and a volume of 76,000 m3, the building has a capacity of 110.000 transfers per day.ReconstructionIn 2006 a reconstruction of the complete station area started. In October of that year, a temporary station entrance opened, that could only be reached by three sets of stairs (or by elevators). On July 2, 2011, a new tunnel under the platforms opened. The temporary entrance closed down and dismantled in the Autumn of 2011. As of that period the railway consists of 4 platforms including a footbridge connecting all platforms.During the summer of 2011 a new dive under was created west of the station which allows trains to Nijmegen and Utrecht to underpass all tracks without interfering the other train services. All traffic on the western part of the station was completely suspended during 5 weeks. Drive under officially opened on the 29 of August in 2011. The official re-opening of the completed station was on 19 November 2015, on this day the station was renamed Arnhem Centraal, formerly it had just been Arnhem.The new design of the railway station was created by UNStudio in collaboration with Cecil Balmond at Aurp AGU. It won the Dutch Nationale Staalprijs.

Adres: Arnhem
Stad: Arnhem

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Mooi gebouw vergeleken met de rest van Arnhem. Het is groot maar wel overzichtelijk. Helaas zijn de trein tickets wel zeer duur.
Overzichtelijk en schoon.
Prachtig modern station met goed bereikbare en grote fietsenstalling. De bussen en treinen zijn ook goed bereikbaar.
Mooi architectuur en wordt mooier
Bus 27 zou hier 19:45 moeten zijn, 20:01 en nog niks
Mooi overzichtelijk station. Ik word altijd blij als ik er doorheen loop. volgens mij ook vormgegeven door een bekende architect? Mooi gedaan.
mooie station, zeer ruim.
Het enige goeie is de trein naar Nijmegen
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Recensies, routebeschrijvingen en contactgegevens voor Arnhem Centraal railway station.

Arnhem woonplaats

openingstijden, locatie, vervoer. Arnhem Centraal railway station adres, telefoonnummer, straatzicht, postcode, hoe u zich verplaatst. Op deze pagina vindt u bedrijven die vergelijkbaar zijn met Arnhem Centraal railway station. Op deze website kunt u uw opmerkingen en ervaringen over Arnhem Centraal railway station delen met andere mensen.

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