
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Aquaquick 2000

Aquaquick 2000


AQUAQUICK 2000 is an environmentally and user friendly water based product that is being used for a dispersant, degreaser, surfactant, and fire extinguisher


AQUAQUICK 2000 is an environmentally and user friendly water based product that is being used for a dispersant, degreaser, surfactant, and fire extinguisher. AQUAQUICK 2000 is suitable to biodegrade and remove all vegetable, animal, mineral, and synthetic fats, oils, and greases.

AQUAQUICK 2000 has been tested and approved by multiple international independent research institutes. AQUAQUICK 2000 has been found to completely biodegradable (100% biodegradation in less than 21 days remaining only CO2, H2O, and Biomass), and non-toxic to aquatic organisms (min. 2% dilution) and non-irritating or corrosive to human eyes and skin.

AQUAQUICK 2000 does not contain solvents, alkalines, or strong acids, therefore it is completely safe for the user as well as the environment. Thanks to the unique composition of AQUAQUICK 2000 it also does not affect or damage rubber, plastic, paint, metal, textiles, wood, coatings, or any other co-polymer in any way. The special nutrients in AQUAQUICK 2000 stimulate and accelerate the growth of micro-organisms that are capable of full biodegradation of oil spills in environmental situations.

Adres: rutbekerveldweg 275, 7548pp Enschede
Telefoonnummer: +31641189424
Stad: Enschede
Route: rutbekerveldweg 275
Postcode: 7548pp

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