
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Ambassador Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights

Ambassador Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights


Welcome to the page of Lambert Grijns, Ambassador for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) & HIV/AIDS of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The four result areas that Dutch foreign policy regarding SRHR is concerned with are:
1. Giving young people more knowledge and freedom to choose regarding their sexuality;
2. Giving more people access to SRHR products as well as increase the use of them;
3. Increase the quality of the public and private health systems concerning SRHR, including safe abortion;
4. More respect for sexual and reproductive rights (for all people, including key populations).

We hope that the long term impacts of our policy are lower maternal and child mortality rates, no more new HIV/AIDS infections and universal access to SRHR for everyone.

If you want to read more, take a look here: http://www.government.nl/issues/development-cooperation/the-development-policy-of-the-netherlands/sexual-and-reproductive-health-and-rights

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Route: Postbus 20061
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