
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Achtmaal


Achtmaal is a village in the municipality of Zundert in the province of North Brabant, the Netherlands. It is located on the border with Belgium.During World War II, the United States Army 104th Infantry Division, 415th Infantry Regiment, liberated Achtmaal. Operation Pheasant (code-name "Suitcase") started on the morning of Friday 20 October 1944 just after 7:00am. On 27 October 1944 the 3rd Battalion of the 415th Infantry entered the village and Lieutenant Colonel Kelleher was handed papers by the Dutch resistance. They proved to be very helpful for the liberators. The Regiment sustained thirty-seven killed and 135 wounded during the operation.

Adres: Achtmaal
Stad: Achtmaal

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